DevXThe leading online information service for Visual Basic, Java, C++, Enterprise, and Internet developers
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pocketnow.com - it's all about portability... Your Complete Pocket PC and PDA Resource!
FreewarePalm the one and only site for downloading freeware files for PalmOS handhelds.
Handango - Welcome to Handango
CE Downloads - ZDNet Downloads
H i e l c k e r t . n e t
Scott Crevier's Palm Resources
3Com-Palm Computing
About.com http--christophe.home.mindspring.com-pilot-babeindex.html
James McCombe's DREADling
JunglePort Home
Mapopolis - Free maps with business locations for Palm computers
MemoWare - The PDA Document Repository
Palm Boulevard - The Complete Independent Palm Pilot Information Resource - (Palm Pilot Sharewa
Palm Creations - Undocumented Palm Info
Palm Town - Palm OS Fun and Games, News and Hardware
Palm, Inc. - Handheld Computing Solutions
peanutpress.com Home
Pimlico software - Datebk3
The HandMap Network
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